
Intergenerational Studio, Tate Modern, April 2018

Lost in translation, lost in capitalism, lost in something suggesting “home”. Unhomeliness explores the notion of (lost) identity and belonging from the perspective of a Chinese queer migrant recently arrived in London - trying to find a version of home in Chinatown. The work asks its audience “who is generating a sense of belonging for whom”, in a place where cultural symbols such as red lanterns are purposefully collided with the rainbow flag as things to be consumed.

Alice Jacobs.JPG
Carlie Chang (2).JPG
Ge Cheng (2).JPG
Unhomeliness(2018), Photo by Carlie Chang.JPG
Unhomeliness(2018), Photo by Ge Cheng.JPG
Fig.13 Photo by Ge Cheng.jpg